Chrystian Kwasi Butler (b.2000) is an artist from Jackson Mississippi. He has over 5 years of Art Education. He currently spends his time interning and learning as he goes. Primarily a painter, he has other interest in Music production and fashion designing. His art is a representative of his innermost thoughts and he uses vibrant colors to embody the intensity of the feelings he owns. He believes that everyone shares similar foundational emotions and through the power of vulnerability, he hopes to connect with any onlooker on a deeply sincere level. Kwasi currently lives and works in Jackson Mississippi

My paintings are reflections of myself. I focus on capturing the presence of the moment I’m in, leaving no stone unturned, exposing my darkest fears and deepest desires. Color is my way of communicating the intensity of the emotional state I’m in, I’ve been told that my paintings have a sound, or a magnetic pull. I typically begin my process with an journal entry, being completely transparent with myself as possible. I fight through the shame i feel as i express myself and then begin to focus on the composition. i fill the page with abstract shapes to create a dynamic design, then begin to fill in those shapes with symbolic motifs that all mean something to me specifically. i then introduce color, ive gathered a reputation for using my favorite color RED. Being completely aware of that, i focus on where to place specific colors and symbols to create a movement through out the piece. My art focuses on me and my transition through life, looking through my collection, i love being able to know who, where, and how i was at pivotal moments of life. It’s fulfilling to know that, even at my darkest moments, i have a release. currently, I’m deeply inspired by artist like Frida Kahlo, who uses her art to document her human experience on earth. 
